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RGF's article on the STOM

Money management and gambling | L-immaniġjar tal-flus u l-logħob tal-azzard

"In an era where online gambling is more accessible than ever, understanding how to manage money effectively while engaging in gambling activities is not just advisable - it is essential."

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

From awareness to action | Minn għarfien għal azzjoni favur protezzjoni

How the gambling industry is protecting the player

RGF's Article in the Sunday Times of Malta

Youth and Gambling | Iż-Żgħażagħ u l-Logħob tal-Azzard

"By empowering youth to approach gambling cautiously, we arm them with the tools to make informed decisions rather than impulsive ones."

RGF Article on IT-TORĊA

How to recognise early problem gambling symptoms | Kif tirrikonoxxi sinjali ta' mħatri problematiċi kmieni

On the popular Sunday newspaper it-TORĊA, Communications Manager Mr Kayne Said looks at the fundamental step of recognising the problem of excess as an essential step towards healing.

Online Self-Exclusion in Maltese | L-Esklużjoni Online bil-Malti

Now, with a new collaboration between the Foundation, Everymatrix and BetBlocker, this gambling blocking tool has reached a new milestone: introducing a Maltese language version.

Presenting diligent work for 2023 | Nippreżentaw il-ħidma sfiqa tagħna għall-2023

On the popular Sunday newspaper IT-TORĊA, the Communications Manager, Mr Kayne Said, looks at the presentation of the Annual Report for the past year.

RGF's article on the Sunday Times of Malta

Towards a safer gambling ecosystem | Lejn ekosistema ta' logħob tal-azzard aktar sikur

The Foundation participated in this year's European Safer Gambling Week with a dedicated micro-campaign, during which its staff raised awareness about responsible gambling practices.

Excessive virtual gaming and the need for alternatives | Logħob virtwali eċċessiv u l-ħtieġa għal alternattivi

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-TORĊA, our Communications Manager Kayne Said looks at virtual gaming amongst Maltese adolescents through the HBSC 2022 Study.

RGF's article on Sunday Times of Malta

Shining a light on mental health | Nitfgħu dawl fuq is-saħħa mentali

The Foundation participated in this year's World Mental Health Day with a dedicated micro-campaign to raise awareness about a critical yet often overlooked issue: the impact of gambling in the workplace on mental health. Follow our General Manager's piece on the Sunday Times of Malta.

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

Repercussions of excessive gambling on mental health | Riperkussjonijiet tal-eċċessività fuq is-saħħa mentali

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-TORĊA, our Communications Manager Kayne Said, in light of the Mental Health Awareness Day celebrated this month, writes about the world of excessive betting and gambling and how this activity can affect the development of mental health problems.

RGF's article on the Sunday Times of Malta

The unique risks of women in gambling | Il-logħob tal-azzard u r-riskji uniċi li jpoġġi fuq in-nisa

As gambling continues to evolve in the digital age, it is crucial to recognise that women are not immune to the risks associated with gambling.

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

What leads a gambler to play excessively | X'iwassal biex ġukatur jilgħab b'mod eċċessiv

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-TORĊA, our Communications Manager Kayne Said writes about what leads a gambler to play excessively.

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